• Class Day Summary

  • LSW Class Day Template

    All class days will follow this general outline for the day

    8:00 am  Breakfast / Networking
    8:30 am  Breakfast
    9:00 am  Leadership Module
    12:00 pm  Break
    12:15 pm  Lunch
    12:30 to 5:00 pm  Community Focus

    Mission: To promote and enhance leadership through education in civic and community affairs, and encourage volunteerism in Southern Dallas County.


  • LSW 2021 Program Year Class Days

  • Jan 20 Jan 20

    Emphasis: Via character strengths, notes to self, Team Building: Escape Room

    Leadership Module: Strengths-Based Organizations

    • Understanding the four categories of strengths and why they are important
    • How to identify your unique strengths
    • The value of strengths to the organization

    Team Building:  The Perfect Escape
    Alumni Mixer: David’s Seafood Grill

  • Sep 18 Sep 18

    Emphasis: professional development, team building, strengths, goals

    Leadership Module: A Deeper Dive into Strengths

    • Developing your Signature Skills
    • Understanding strengths constellations for strategic problem solving
    • Strength-spotting to develop people
    • Understanding the concept of “Flow” for higher productivity
    • “Want to” goals vs. “need to” goals
    • Growth vs. fixed mindset (This session will include templates for designing “want to” goals)

    Philanthropy - Non Profits, The Great “Non-Profit” Race - Class Project Pitch

  • Oct 16 Oct 16

    Emphasis: ethics, commitment, over committing / under delivering, destination mapping

    Leadership Module: Happiness: The ultimate currency for human beings

    • The correlation between happiness, personal effectiveness, and success
    • The happiness model
    • Introduction to the applied science of Positive Psychology
    • Positive vs. negative emotions (Positivity ratio)
    • The importance of well-being
    • This session will include access to the “Positivity Self-Test”

    Chamber: DESOTO - Economic Development/Gov’t/Education

  • Nov 20 Nov 20

    Emphasis: communication and relationships, connections/influence, power talk, crisis management

    Leadership Module: Influence and Leadership

    • Understanding and mobilizing the informal networks needed to effect change
    • Embracing organizational politics to move teams & important initiatives forward
    • Leading through credible self-promotion and helping others while you lead
    • Building and maintaining trust to help guide people through risk and change

    Chamber: LANCASTER - Economic Development/Gov’t/Education

  • Dec 18 Dec 18

    Emphasis: diversity in the work place (generational, gender, race, etc.)

    Leadership Module: First Consensus then Momentum:  Strategies that help groups move from ideas to action

    • Learn how to use focused conversation to unify the group and group goals
    • Practice interactive strategies to help build consensus among the group and prioritize outcomes
    • Lead the group through the development of an action plan to ensure group ownership and goal delivery

    Community Focus: Civic Leadership

  • Jan 15 Jan 15

    Emphasis: crisis management and public safety, Class Project

    Leadership Module: Beyond Citizen Engagement to Citizen Participation

    • Citizen engagement has been interpreted by many to simply be a simple conduit of information: delivery of information to citizen and citizen response.
    • Citizen participation however, allows community residents, citizens, and stakeholders to play an active role in plans, processes, and decisions as is required by law.
    • Understand the purposes of citizen participation and the strategies to implement them: discovering citizens’ preferences; incorporating citizens’ local knowledge; advancing fairness and justice; gaining legitimacy for public decisions; and adhering to the law for governmental entities.

    Community Focus: Public Safety (local, state, national)

  • Feb 19 Feb 19

    Emphasis: COUNTY GOVERNMENT – overview of county economic dev., transportation, etc.

  • Mar 18 Mar 18

    Emphasis: BSW region, economic development, RED luncheon, healthcare, transportation, education

    Leadership Module: Build a Thriving Community (Smart Communities)

    Learn how other communities have brought about sweeping community changes by implementing Suzanne Morse’s seven strategies of collaboration. Interpret how these strategies can be used in Dallas area collaborations

    • Invest right the first time
    • Work together
    • Build on community strengths
    • Practice democracy
    • Preserve the past
    • Grow new leaders
    • Invent a brighter future

    Chamber: DUNCANVILLE - Economic Development/Gov’t/Education

  • Apr 15 Apr 15

    Emphasis: volunteerism and civic leadership

    Leadership Module: The Change Cycle - Part 1

    • Identify the 6 predictable and sequential stages of change
    • Understanding how individuals move through the stages of change
    • Validating the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are typical in a changing situation
    • Understanding and implementing the coping skills that can be learned to help in moving forward to the next stage in the Change Cycle

    Chamber: CEDAR HILL - Economic Development/Gov’t/Education
    Civic Leadership; City Mayors, ISD, Boards & Commissions

  • May 20 May 20

    Emphasis: Commitment and Legacy (review notes to self and do commitment note to self)

    Graduation & DLA Event